
Washington, DC
Metallic Epoxy Coating
For their new 22,000+ sf office space in downtown Washington, DC, Optoro was looking for a industrial modern aesthetic. To achieve this look, polished concrete was chosen as the design intent for all the common areas and hallways (almost a quarter of all flooring finishes throughout the office space). After visiting the existing job site, Hyde noted that the floor was not in good enough condition to receive the desirable polished concrete finish. The floor had significant damage from the multiple previous tenants and there was floor leveling material inside the polished concrete scope.
As a solution, Hyde proposed installing a metallic epoxy coating. This system has two significant benefits over polished concrete: (1) It is opaque, so it can completely cover the imperfections in the base concrete slab. And (2) It can be applied over floor leveling material, allowing the contractor to level the floor as needed prior to our installation. As you can see, the end product is beautiful, and it maintained the orginal design intent of industrial modern.